Can we keep camel statue at home
According to Feng Shui, keeping the camel statue in the north-west direction of the home brings positiveness. According to Vastu Shastra, the camel shows stability, so keeping it in the house keeps the person mentally relaxed. It is considered good to keep a camel statue at home to avoid problems in life. At the same time, it is said that according to Fengshui, the statue of a camel can be placed both in the office and at home, removing all obstacles to the movement, which are normal in their jobs and business. Keep it off to say they can be saved from the troubles and influence of opponents. If you put a camel statue in your house, the economic situation will be normal and money problems are reduced, but keep in mind that if the camel is kept in pairs, the arrival of wealth is also rapid. bronze Animal Sculpture manufacturer Camel is known for its resilience and persistence. The camel is often used in feng shui for those who are carrying out an important undertaking ...